1. Regular Veterinary check: It is a myth that cats are self sufficient and don't need the regular care a dog needs. Cats need a wellness check up by the Vet on a regular basis, at least twice a year, to keep check on health issues with regards to nutrition and weight, dental check, behavioral changes as they age and regular vaccination and deworming. As your cat ages past 8yrs, the frequency of visits will need to increase to read the signs and avoid age related problems from setting in. 2. Yearly Vaccination: Vaccinating your cat even though he maybe entirely an indoor cat is not an option but should be mandatory. Vaccination is done to maximize our ability to prevent infectious diseases in our pets. It starts at 6-8wks of age and after the initial boosters it should be repeated on a yearly basis to maintain the required immunity levels in the body. You must discuss the required protocol with your veterinarian. The core vaccines that need to be given are against Rabies, Panleukop...
Give you pets a break... while you take yours!