Behind the scenes @ PetStepin’ - My experience working as a temporary manager. I was scrolling through facebook aimlessly when I came across a post by Dr.Nezhat regarding an opening In her Pet boarding facility here In Bangalore called PetStepin’. Having worked multiple jobs since the age of 16, this was the first time I found something that truly Intrigued me and I wanted to give It a shot. So after a few messages back and forth and learning more about what my duties as manager will entail, I decided to go In for 10 days and try n get a feel of what It would be like to work there full time. On my first day, Being an enthu cutlet, I showed up earlier than I was supposed to as I couldn’t wait to start my day and see what this experience was going to be like.(I ended up coming In as early as I could every day after that as well) I walked Into the gates of the facility and was confronted by a huge pack of dogs barking In my face as I stood there In the socializing area a...
Give you pets a break... while you take yours!