It has been accepted that the modern pugs are descendants of Pugs in China.Some of them were taken to Europe where they were quite popular in the aristocratic circles. When Pompey the Pug (in the House of Orange, Netherlands) alerted the Prince to the presence of assassins in his palace, he saved his life and this seemed to seal the deal for Pugs to retain their pampered place in society.
The Pugs must have just loved this, they tend to be less active than other breeds and love to nap (who doesn't?)
Pugs are built in such a way that they have compact breathing passageways, making them susceptible to breathing difficulties. Dogs bring down their body temperatures by panting, the evaporation from their outstretched tongues cools them, this is quite hard for Pugs. So, one must be extra careful to make sure Pugs don't get too much of the sun in our hot climate. In the summer, owners like to take them for walks before the sun has completely risen and after the sun has set. A Pug's normal temperature should be 38 or 39 degrees Celsius. If it goes higher, it should be brought down by moving him to the shade, using a cold compress and cold water.
Pugs tend to have sweet natures and are rarely aggressive. They're great for families with children and like to follow close at their owners' heels.
This doesn't even begin to describe the awesomeness of the Pug and there's loads more to come. But for now we leave you with .....
*Images sourced from here, here and here.
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