Most of these quotes are commonly used but that's because they are sooo true..Pets actually do bring so much colour and meaning to our lives ... They truly complete us!!
In the epic sequel to our saga, Simba, the golden retriever on a mission, wasted no time putting Dr. Woofinton's pearls of wisdom into action. The battlefield: Simba's home, where 'study' loomed like a dark cloud over his playtime paradise. Simba: (entering the room with a twinkle in his eyes) " Prepare yourself, human. Operation 'Playtime Over 'Study'' is now in session! " His human, a well-meaning but somewhat oblivious individual, looked up from her work with a bemused expression. Human: " Simba, sweetie, I've got deadlines to meet. Can this wait? " Simba, undeterred and fueled by Dr. Woofinton's wisdom, unleashed his first move—an impressive display of athleticism, including a perfectly executed somersault and a flawless frisbee catch. Simba: " Witness the majestic acrobatics of Simba! Clearly, my destiny is to frolic, not 'study. '' Human: (raising an eyebrow) " Nice tricks, Simba, but I...
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