We arent exacty hiring at PetStepin' but when of our favourite boarders here at PetStepin' has decided to become a part time manager here at PetStepin' , we thought why not..
She decided shes gonna make use of this chance and make the best of it and made a few changes here at PetStepin'
It all started when she decided she wont be able to work with us humans watching and decided she gets a bodyguard .
Now that I am safe from those disturbing humans, Lets get down to business !!!
I dont like walking around so you humans need to start carrying me, "Thats an order"
Toffee : "Smile for the camera so that they know I am not forcing you"
Now that we got my comfort sorted, lets get to work,
New Rules In PetStepin'
- We decide where we want to sit not you humans, your chairs, on your laps, on your laptops we dont care.
Literally anywhere, you got a problem with that, guess what we dont care...
- We get treats a lot of treats and snacks whenever we demand,

- Next.........wait.....whats that??
Bella : Boss I see the humans are upto something outside...doesnt look good...
Toffee :
Toffee : Shit !!!
What did Toffee see thats making her worried , stay tuned for the next blog to find out... :)
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